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Guidelines for Reviewers
Review Procedures

JER-HBT rely on external experts to review and evaluate articles and assist the editorial team in its decision making.

All original research papers relevant to the journal will be sent out to reviewers who are selected based on the subject matter expertise. The policy of the journal is to have both internal reviewers as well as external reviewers from other institutions. Authors of each paper are required to provide the names of two reviewers with expertise of the subject matter, but the editorial team reserves the right to make the final decision.

The journal utilises a double-blind method procedure which means that the names of the authors and reviewers are not disclosed to both parties. Reviewers will only receive papers on acceptance of invitation to review together with a form which clearly states the guidelines on issues to consider when undertaking the review. Reviewers are required to return their reviews in three weeks; should there be a delay, they are required to inform the editorial office. Decisions on publication of the research articles are made upon receipt of at least two review reports.

Ethical principles for reviewers

(i) Conflict of interest (or competing interests)
If the reviewer considers that there is any conflict of interest that may compromise their review, they can request to be excused from undertaking the review, an example of conflict is the reviewer is a close collaborator of the research concerned.

(ii) Confidentiality
Reviewers are not allowed to use information obtained from the papers for their personal gains. They are also not allowed to involve someone else in reviewing the paper (for example their students) without obtaining prior permission from the editorial office.

Publishing Policies

Peer review Process

Submissions to the JER-HBT must be original, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  • Within two to three weeks of receiving a paper, the members of the editorial committee will conduct an internal assessment to determine if the submitted paper is within the scope of the journal. If it is relevant, the paper is converted to an author-blank form and forwarded to be double-blind reviewed by three experts in the subject area. Typically, the peer-review process takes four to six weeks to complete.
  • On receiving the reviewers’ reports, the editorial committee will come to a decision on whether to accept or reject the paper for publication. The rejected articles will be returned to authors. If the paper requires further revisions, it will then be sent back to the authors for improvements.

Please consider that the editors and reviewers invest considerable effort on your submission. Consequently, the submission cannot be removed without the consent of the editorial office during the review, revision, production after acceptance, or publication processes.

Publication Charges

There is NO submissions, publication, or page charges for this journal. The papers are accepted or rejected for publication and published solely based on merits of the paper.

Ethics in Journal Publishing
(i) Multiple publication

Submission of the same paper to multiple journals concurrently is unethical. Likewise, publishing the same paper in multiple journals is also unethical. Any author found violating these principles will be blacklisted and will be banned from further submission to JER-HBT.

(ii) Data Collection Process

Authors are expected to carry out data collection following ethical procedures. The rights of the human participants or animal subjects should always be observed. The identity of human subjects is confidential and should not be revealed in the paper. Falsification of data is unacceptable.

(iii) Plagiarism and originality

Authors are required to properly cite and quote sources of literature that they use in their research papers. Plagiarism may be manifested in variety of ways such as using another’s paper as the author’s own, intentional, or unintentional copying or paraphrasing parts of another’s paper without citation and claiming results from research conducted by others. Hence, it is essential for authors to cite the original source and accurately reflect the contributions of the individuals in their writing or reporting. Additionally, JER-HBT requires authors to submit their papers to Turnitin prior to submission.

Plagiarism can also come in the form of using copyright-protected materials owned by a third party without permission. This may include any proprietary text, illustration, table, or other material, including audio, video, film stills, screenshots, musical notation, or supplemental material. JER-HBT requires authors to obtain permission from the copyright owner prior to submission for publication.

Guidelines for Authors

Please use this as a guideline in preparing your article for submission.
1. Paper
  1. Authors may submit their paper in any scholarly format or layout, preferably MS-Word format. Figures and tables can be placed within the text or submitted as separate documents.
  2. All papers must contain the necessary key components (for examples a research paper should have introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion) as well as elements such as abstract, author affiliation, figures, tables, and references. Further details may be requested upon acceptance.
  3. Include keywords (between 5-6 words)
  4. Figures and tables
  •  Indicate clearly if colour should be used for any figures in print. Figure should be of high quality with relevant titles.
  • All tables must include titles or description. Footnotes may be included if necessary. Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.

5. Spelling can be US or UK English so long as usage is consistent.

2. References
  1. References should be in the APA 7th Edition format.

2. Author name(s), journal or book title, paper or chapter title, year of publication, volume, and issue (where appropriate) and page numbers are essential.

3. All in-text citations should be listed in references , and vice versa.

4. The addition of DOI (Digital Object Identifier) numbers is essential where applicable.

3. Writing of paper
  1. Please include a word count for your paper.
  2. A typical paper for this journal should be between 6000- 8000 words, inclusive of, abstract, figure captions, footnotes and endnotes.
  3. Paper should be proofread thoroughly and ‘spell checked’ and ‘grammar checked’ using “Grammarly” which can be downloaded from: https://app.grammarly.com/
4. Author’s details
  1. Please send in two copies of yoursubmission. One copy with the full name and affiliation of all the authors on the first page of the paper. For this copy the corresponding author, with their email address will be displayed in the article.
  2. Another copy without author’s details for blind review. For this copy, all identifying information should be removed from the manuscript.
5. Final considerations
  1. Permission must be obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources.
  2. Only original contribution which has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere will be accepted.
  3. The paper should be submitted electronically, complete with an abstract of approximately 250 words.
  4. Please note the review process may take up to 3-4 months.
  5. Please include funding bodies (if applicable).

Copyright © 2023 by ELM Graduate School, HELP University

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